Test Case 6

Test Case 6 works similar to Test Case 5, but here the low demand time step has half the weight. Prices remain unchanged, however the low-demand production quantity per timestep should be twice as high as consumption in the high-demand time step. The test is passed if $P_H=1,P_L=0$ and production is $0.0$ and $2.0$ during high and low demand time steps, respectively.


Set NameSet Value
$\mathcal{DSB}$$\{Block 1\}$
$\mathcal{I}$$\{Natural Gas\}$
$\mathcal{IOB}$$\{Block 1\}$


$\frac{1}{ | \Delta |_{y}}$$1$$1$
$c^{\Delta P}_{P\_DEU,CNG,FES,2020}$$1$$1$
$fi^{P}_{CNG,Natural Gas,FES}$$1$$1$
$\Lambda^{I}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,2020}$$10$$10$
$\Omega^{I}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,2020}$$0$$0$
$c^{\Delta^{I}}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,2020}$$0$$0$
$c^{\Delta A}_{DEU\_to\_DEU,CNG,2020}$$0$$0$
$c^{\Delta S}_{S\_DEU,CNG,2020}$$10$$10$
$c^{I_{l}}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,m,2020}$$0.5$$1.0$
$c^{I_{q}}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,m,2020}$$0$$0$
$av^{I}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,m}$$1$$1$
$\alpha^{D}_{DEU,CNG,Block 1,m,2020}$$0$$2$
$\beta^{D}_{DEU,CNG,Block 1,m,2020}$$0$$-1$

Test Criteria

ExpressionResult m=LResult m=H
$\tilde{P}^{T \rightarrow D}_{DEU,CNG,Block 1,m,2020}$$0.0$$1.0$
$q^{I}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,m,2020}$$2.0$$0.0$

Graphical Solution

Marginalized Provision Costs and Prices for Different Time Steps

Time Step L


Time Step H
