Test Case 24

Test Case 24 asserts that supplying to multiple demand blocks of the same commodity works as expected. The tables below depict relevant sets and parameters. Test Case 24 passes, if prices in the single node are equal to the intersection of marginalized provision cost and inverse demand. For the given data, prices should be $P=1.0$.


Set NameSet Value
$\mathcal{AC}$$\{(DEU\_to\_DEU, CNG)\}$
$\mathcal{DSB}$$\{Block 1,Block 2\}$
$\mathcal{I}$$\{Natural Gas\}$
$\mathcal{IOB}$$\{Block 1\}$


$\frac{1}{ | \Delta |_{y}}$$1$
$c^{\Delta P}_{P\_DEU,CNG,FES,y}$$1$
$fi^{P}_{CNG,Natural Gas,FES}$$1$
$\Lambda^{I}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,y}$$10$
$\Omega^{I}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,y}$$0$
$c^{\Delta^{I}}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,y}$$0$
$c^{\Delta A}_{DEU\_to\_DEU,CNG,y}$$0$
$c^{I_{l}}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,OnlyTimeStep,y}$$0.5$
$c^{I_{q}}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,OnlyTimeStep,y}$$0.0$
$av^{I}_{P\_DEU,Natural Gas,Block 1,OnlyTimeStep}$$1$
$\alpha^{D}_{DEU,CNG,Block 1,OnlyTimeStep,y}$$2$
$\beta^{D}_{DEU,CNG,Block 1,OnlyTimeStep,y}$$-1$
$\alpha^{D}_{DEU,CNG,Block 2,OnlyTimeStep,y}$$1.5$
$\beta^{D}_{DEU,CNG,Block 2,OnlyTimeStep,y}$$-0.5$

Test Criteria

ExpressionResult y=2020
$\tilde{P}^{T \rightarrow D}_{DEU,CNG,Block 1,OnlyTimeStep,2020}$$1.0$
$\tilde{P}^{T \rightarrow D}_{DEU,CNG,Block 2,OnlyTimeStep,2020}$$1.0$
Objective Value$0.75$

Graphical Solution

Inverse Demand and Marginalized Cost Curves

Block 1


Block 2
