
$\frac{1}{ | \Delta |_{y}}$Scaling of investment costs by the number of modeled years.
${1}^{NC}_{tnc}$Factor indicating if trader $t$ is able to effectively withhold quantities of commodity $c$ in node $n$. If set to 1, Nash-Cournot behavior is assumed in the respective node, while a value of 0 implies perfectly competitive behavior (or equivalent regulation). If a conjectural variation approach is assumed, values in between may be taken.
$av^{I}_{pibm}$Availability of input $i$ in block $b$ during time step $m$.
$r_{y}$Discount factor indicating temporal preferences with respect to yearly profits. Preferences are assumed to be consistent between players.
$d_{m}$Weighting factor in time step $m$. Can be used to model aggregation.
$c^{\Delta^{I}}_{piby}$Cost coefficient of producer $p$ for input expansion of $i$ belonging to block $b$ in year $y$.
$c^{I_{l}}_{pibmy}$Linear operational cost coefficient of producer $p$ for input $i$ belonging to block $b$ in time step $m$ of year $y$.
$c^{I_{q}}_{pibmy}$Quadratic cost coefficient of producer $p$ for input $i$ belonging to block $b$ in time step $m$ of year $y$.
$c^{P}_{pcoy}$Production cost of producer $p$ for commodity $c$ of origin $o$ in year $y$.
$c^{\Delta P}_{pcoy}$Unit cost for expanding producer $p$'s production capacity of commodity $c$ in year $y$.
$fi^{P}_{cio}$Factor intensity. Indicates how many units of input $i$ are used to produce one unit of commodity $c$ for origin $o$.
$L^{I}_{i}$Lifetime of capacity investments into input procurement.
$L^{P}_{co}$Lifetime of technology used to produce commodity $c$ from origin $o$.
$\Lambda^{P}_{pcoy}$Exogenous capacity of producer $p$ to produce commodity $c$ from origin $o$.
$\Lambda^{I}_{piby}$Exogenous capacity of producer $p$ for input $i$ in time step $m$ of year $y$.
$\Lambda^{T}_{tncoy}$Maximum quantity of commodity $c$ from origin $o$ sold in year $y$ by trader $t$ in node $n$.
$\Omega^{I}_{piby}$Capacity expansion restriction for input $i$ to block $b$ of producer $p$ in year $y$.
$\Omega^{P}_{pcoy}$Capacity expansion restriction for commodity $c$ from origin $o$ of producer $p$ in year $y$.
$fi^{V}_{cc'}$Factor intensity indicating how much of commodity $c$ is used in when converting to commodity $c'$.
$l^{A}_{ac}$Loss for transporting commodity $c$ on arc $a$.
$c^{V}_{vcc'y}$Cost of converter $v$ to convert commodity $c$ to commodity $c'$ in $y$.
$c^{\Delta V}_{vcc'y}$Cost of converter $v$ to extend conversion capacity from $c$ to $c'$ in $y$.
$c^{\Delta^{RV}}_{vrr'cc'y}$Cost of repurposing conversion capacity $(r,r')$ to $(c,c')$.
$f^{RV}_{rr'cc'}$Factor indicating how much conversion capacity for $cc'$ is created when one unit of conversion capacity $rr'$ is repurposed.
$\Lambda^{V}_{vcc'y}$Exogenous conversion capacity of converter $v$ from $c$ to $c'$ in year $y$.
$L^{V}_{cc'}$Lifetime of endogenously added conversion capacity from $c$ to $c'$.
$c^{A}_{acy}$Unit cost for transporting commodity $c$ along arc $a$ in year $y$.
$c^{\Delta A}_{acy}$Cost for expanding transport capacity of commodity $c$ along arc $a$ in year $y$.
$c^{\Delta^{RA}}_{arcy}$Cost for repurposing transport capacity of commodity $r$ to $c$.
$f^{RA}_{rc}$Factor indicating how much transport capacity of $c$ is created when one unit of capacity for $r$ is repurposed.
$\Lambda^{A}_{acy}$Exogenous transport capacity of commodity $c$ on arc $a$.
$L^{A}_{c}$Lifetime of endogenously added transport capacity of commodity $c$.
$l^{S}_{scmm^{+}(m)}$Storage losses of storage system operator $s$ when storing commodity $c$ from time step $m$ to $m^{+}(m)$ during year $y$.
$c^{S_{in}}_{scy}$Storage costs of storage system operator $s$ when injecting commodity $c$ in year $y$.
$c^{S_{out}}_{scy}$Storage costs of storage system operator $s$ when extracting commodity $c$ in year $y$.
$c^{\Delta S}_{scy}$Storage capacity expansion costs of storage system operator $s$ for commodity $c$ in year $y$.
$c^{\Delta^{RS}}_{srcy}$Cost of repurposing storage capacity from $r$ to $c$.
$f^{RS}_{rc}$Factor indicating how much storage capacity of $c$ is created when one unit of capacity for $r$ is repurposed.
$\Lambda^{S}_{scy}$Exogenous storage capacity of storage system operator $s$ for commodity $c$ in year $y$.
$\Omega^{S}_{scy}$Storage capacity expansion restriction of storage system operator $s$ for commodity $c$ in year $y$.
$L^{S}_{c}$Technology lifetime for storage of commodity $c$.