Dual Variables

$\pi^{P}_{ncomy}$Price for commodity $c$ of origin $o$ in time step $s$ of year $y$ in node $n$.
$\pi^{T \rightarrow D}_{ncbmy}$Demand block $b$'s price for commodity $c$ during time step $m$ of year $y$ in node $n$.
$\pi^{T \rightarrow V}_{tncomy}$Price paid by converter for commodity $c$ of origin $o$ during time step $m$ of year $y$ in node $n$.
$\pi^{V \rightarrow T}_{tncomy}$Price paid to converter for commodity $c$ of origin $o$ during time step $m$ of year $y$ in node $n$.
$\pi^{T \rightarrow S}_{tncomy}$Price paid by storage system operator for commodity $c$ from origin $o$ during time step $m$ of year $y$ in node $n$.
$\pi^{S \rightarrow T}_{tncomy}$Price paid to storage system operator for commodity $c$ from origin $o$ during time step $m$ of year $y$ in node $n$.
$\pi^{A}_{acmy}$Price paid for transporting commodity $c$ along arc $a$ in time step $m$ of year $y$.
$\phi^{P}_{pisy}$Dual to producer $p$'s mass balance constraint.
$\phi^{T}_{tncosy}$Dual to trader $t$'s flow mass balance constraint.
$\phi^{S}_{stcomy}$Dual to storage system operator $s$'s mass balance constraint.
$\Lambda^{I}_{piby}$Dual to producer $p$'s input block constraint.
$\lambda^{P}_{pcosy}$Dual to producer $p$'s production capacity constraint.
$\lambda^{T}_{tndoy}$Dual to trader $t$'s sales restriction constraint.
$\omega^{I}_{piby}$Dual to producer $p$'s input procurement capacity constraint.
$\omega^{P}_{pcoy}$Dual to producer $p$'s production capacity expansion constraint.
$\omega^{S}_{scy}$Dual to storage system operator $s$'s capacity expansion constraint.
$\lambda^{V}_{vcc'sy}$Dual to converter $v$'s converstion capacity constraint.
$\lambda^{A}_{acsy}$Dual to storage system operator's capacity constraint.
$\lambda^{S}_{scmy}$Dual to storage system operator's capacity constraint.
$\delta^{A}_{acy}$Dual to storage system operator's equal capacity expansion constraint.
$\delta^{RA}_{arcy}$Dual to storage system operator's equal capacity repurposing constraint.